Empowering Lives

Fenix Collective is a peer-focused organization which serves the greater Charlotte metro area, focusing on women, girls, BIPOC and LGBTQIA + folks who are incarcerated or coming home from incarceration. We focus on three areas: wraparound services and support, holistic mental health and wellness, and advocacy. We want to help you move from simply surviving to thriving within the community!

Wraparound Services and Support

We provide mentoring and essential needs assistance while incarcerated. Upon release, we will make referrals and help you get the services and resources you need to get on your feet and launch! This includes Welcome Home baskets after release from confinement or incarceration, emergency needs kits, gender-affirming care/hygiene supplies, transportation, food, and more. We hope to open the first Fenix House in November of 2024 to house up to 6 folks here in Charlotte!

Holistic Mental Health and Wellness

We support substance abuse recovery and mental health challenges through peer support and referrals to services and evidence-based programming as needed. Our services are all peer-based, not hierarchical, because we believe that we are here to help one another heal through the sharing of experiences, honesty, and mutualism. We believe in the spirit of Ubuntu: I am because We Are.

Advocacy Initiatives

We advocate for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ folks during and after incarceration, including voter education and mobilization work, policy change advocacy, direct nonviolent action, and other initiatives that build civic engagement and bring power BACK to the people. We engage in mutual aid and power-building with and on behalf of our confined and newly-released siblings, focusing on BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ folks who are systemically oppressed and the most at need.

Empower your journey to freedom. Join the Collective!